Find out what people are saying about Nurture & Blossom.
The program is a pediatrician-trusted, step-by-step system for teaching your child to sleep through the night.

Find out what people are saying about Nurture & Blossom.
The program is a pediatrician-trusted, step-by-step system for teaching your child to sleep through the night.
“Rosie, I just want to say thank you, thank you and thank you again for all your help.
Xavier was such a mummy’s boy, co-sleeping, sleeping with the TV being in, using a dummy and waking through the night twice to feed. With your help we have changed all of this. He’s now sleeping in his cot, in his own room, without a dummy, no TV, and most of all sleeping through the night! Xavier now loves his room and most times falls asleep within 10 minutes. Now I have free time that I didn’t have before thanks to you. Your service and support is a blessing to our family.”
“I am so happy I found Rosie, she is so patient professional and caring. Rosie was so helpful and always there to guide me through the entire process. As a mother of two girls – 6yrs old and 2 yrs old, I was so sleep-deprived and exhausted, suffering for years, thinking this was normal.
Both of my girls were not the best sleepers and would wake multiple times a night, at times taking hours to fall back to sleep or even refusing to go back to sleep. This was so draining for me especially because I am a full-time working mum. This is when I reached out to Rosie for help, I was so nervous at the start but Rosie made me feel so comfortable and reassured me it will be worth it in the end by staying consistent, patient and following through with the sleep plan.
Rosie constantly checked in on a daily basis to see how we were going which I loved! The sleep program she provides is amazing and is such a life changer! We worked closely together to find a bedtime routine that works best for us and our lifestyle. Both my daughters now sleep on their own and through the night without any wake-ups. It’s been three weeks since we started the program and I couldn’t be more happier that I met Rosie. She’s honestly amazing and I cannot recommend her enough.
Thank you so much xxx.”
“I couldn’t thank Rosie enough for giving me so much hope after a really stressful 6 months with my daughter.
We went from many broken naps and wakings during the night to an amazing solid sleeper after working with Rosie.
Rosie was so helpful in guiding me with my daughter’s sleep and reassuring me during the sleep coaching process, it has truly been the best thing I have done for my daughter as well as for myself.
Thank you Rosie, I can’t recommend you enough!”
“I am mum to one beautiful 5-week-old daughter. Rosie has been coaching me with tips and guiding me in shaping her sleep since birth which has immensely helped me.”
As a new mum, everything is a little overwhelming, so Rosie has provided me [with] everything I need to know in the most polite and professional manner. I don’t know what I would do without Rosie. Highly recommend her sleep coaching services.
“I’m a new mother to my 6 week old boy, Alexander. Rosie has helped us create healthy sleep habits and a bedtime routine.
Since speaking with Rosie, my husband and I have noticed a big positive change in Alexander. We went from having to carry him around at all times of the day and night, with no consistent sleep pattern, to learning how to create healthy sleeping habits and allowing him to self soothe and become more independent.
This is all thanks to Rosie’s sleep guide and constant checking in and guidance. Thank you so much Rosie, we can’t thank you enough..”
“Rosie is a life saver!! Storm was waking every 2-3hours at night. He would need rocking and a dummy to fall back to sleep.
With Rosie’s help, he now sleeps comfortably for 8-9 hours with only one feed in between. I was a bit hesitant at first to contact her (in fact this wasn’t the first time I had reached out to her). She was so patient and understanding of my lifestyle and accommodated her sleep plan to suit Storms needs!
I will forever be thankful for the guidance she gave me to get me through! 100% would recommend to anyone who needs help with their little loves!”
“Working with Rosie has given my child the most gorgeous sleep of her young life. At 3 months old, River now sleeps between 8-10 hours a night. Prior to working with Rosie, baby and I were not on a consistent sleep schedule. I was constantly exhausted and feeling overwhelmed with the lack of personal time, and not getting more than 4 consecutive hours of sleep per night.
Suffice to say, I was slowly spiralling and being run into the ground. But now, since the sleep coaching I have 4-5 hours of “me” time after I put my baby to sleep – which allows me to de-escalate. I find it is crucial for my well-being to be able to recharge for the next day.
I am a better parent because I have time to myself to recalibrate and reset. I now understand the importance of routine and creating a schedule that is predictable for both me and my baby. I am better equiped to handle the stresses of being a single parent to an infant and to better meet her needs.
Thank you Rosie – you’re knowledgeable, kind, and insightful support has given River the sweetest sleep. I highly recommend Rosie’s coaching. Not only is she a mother to 5 and understands the challenges of early motherhood, but she has a kind and nurturing demeanour that encourages you when you feel the most hopeless and exhausted….all mothers need that kind of support.”
“I am a mother of 2 children who both are great sleepers. But, when my daughter Giselle started having night wakes shortly after her 1st birthday I sought the advise of Nurture & Blossom. Giselle was waking up at 11pm nightly and staying up for 1 to 2 hours however, she easily settled for naps and bedtime. Rosie kindly recommended a troubleshooting consult since we didn’t need the full assistance of helping bub sleep .
She provided us with a clear and helpful plan to get Giselle back on track. Within 3 nights Giselles habitual wakes were finished. My growing girl is now getting the rest she needs and our minds are at ease.
Rosie puts so much care into her support for her parents and catered to our [daughter’s] specific needs. She even provided us with tips to transition our son from cot to bed. As our children grow we have found they need little adjustments from time to time to help them sleep. What we have learned so much from Rosie and has been our best investment for our child’s quality of sleep including ours. Thank you Rosie, we are back to restful nights.”
“My family and I benefited so much from Rosie’s Troubleshoot Package!
I reached out to Rosie to help with placing my daughter on a routine and how to deal with bedtime struggles. Violet was using any excuse to get out of bed, making bedtime a constant battle!
I really procrastinated before giving Rosie a call. Once I finally did, I realised it was the best decision ever. Rosie has made such a difference to out entire family, especially for Violet. She no longer gives us a hard time going to bed, she knows and enjoys her routine. Best of all, she wakes up happy in the mornings and gets ready for school without a fuss!! Thank you soo much Rosie, you have truly been a lifesaver.”
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